One and First

One and First

It's been one year since Blonde Henchman launched online.

This is also the very first post.

That is exactly right.

Blonde Henchman was created to answer a curiosity and playful exploration of systems, web development, and design. It does not follow the conventional goals of content creation and sales. Those things matter, but not as much as individual expression and meaningful accomplishments. However small these accomplishments may be, and however long they may take, the timeframe is secondary to the potential impact.

The products we make and how they are delivered mean something. They aim to minimize the impact on the planet, while still providing value to you. Each moment of this experience, from the site load times to the packaging, is considered. There is, of course, always more work to be done to improve and achieve these goals.

Launching Blonde Henchman on April Fools' Day was a deliberate nod to the inherent playfulness that defines our ethos. It was the perfect moment to unveil a platform that doesn't take itself too seriously—a reminder that curiosity and play can coexist with purpose and passion.

Today is a significant milestone, not because of sales goals or other metrics. But simply because it exists.

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